ACMI Renewal

The Australian Centre for the Moving Image is a trailblazing museum of film, TV, video games, digital culture and digital art. Sandpit collaborated with Second Story (USA) to create the experience design for ACMI’s multi-million-dollar renewal in 2019/2020.

The ACMI makeover has overhauled the permanent exhibition, enhancing the visitor experience and expanding ACMI’s education programs. Sandpit provided co-design workshops, concept design, prototyping and audience testing services. We also co-designed a bunch of key interactive features.

The Lens is a free handheld device that allows visitors to collect artworks, clips and items of special interest from the museum. Take your Lens home after your visit and delve deeper into your favourite moments in the ACMI experience – finding out more about games, films, TV shows and digital art.

The Constellations aim to convey the vast scale and interconnectedness of film and digital culture. The Constellations work in conjunction with the Lens, showing visitors unexpected connections across the cultural galaxy of film, TV, games, news and art on a giant projection screen. Sandpit and Second Story consulted on this social, interactive experience, which is now part of ACMI’s permanent exhibition.

The Edit Line experience sees ACMI visitors creating and editing simple films by moving physical storyboard pieces that trigger edits on a large screen. Take your story home and share it online with your Lens.

Foley artists create soundscapes for film, TV shows and videogames, using many unusual methods and materials. ACMI visitors get the chance to be foley artists for a day now, too, adding strange and hilarious sound effects to scenes from famous films in ACMI’s Foley Room.